Cut-N-Break Wall Saw - Husqvarna K3000
Rental Rates
- Available as either a gas or 120 volt electric powered saw at the same price. Please specify when ordering.
- This unique saw is designed to plunge cut through walls to a maximum cut depth of 16 inches (in 2.5 inch increments).
- The user plunges the two parallel 9 inch blades into the wall to the saw's 2.5 inch maximum depth, forming a core between the cuts.
- The user then breaks out the concrete core between the two cuts and repeats the process until all the way through the wall.
- This is all possible because the arbor and support arm are flush with the blade, and the spray shields both fold out of the way as the plunge depth increases.
- This saw must be used wet. There is a garden hose attachment.